Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby Dos: Week 35

Size Comparison: Betamax VCR

Our due date is May 24th which, you know, is exactly a month from today. So we're officially scheduling appointments with the doctor weekly now. Wow! The last appointment went well. The baby is still positioned head down...mostly. The baby is a little more sideways but still generally head down. It sounds like that's not out of the ordinary. It's gotten a lot warmer here in central Indiana which, for me, is a welcome change from what seemed like a really long winter. Of course, I'm not carrying around an extra person. My wife is definitely felling the heat. Let's hope things don't get too uncomfortable.

I grew up with Betamax VCR. Not only that, it was Hi-Fi. In all seriousness, it was a great VCR. I would say it had far better picture and sound quality than our current VHS. Granted, our VHS is pretty cheap and I bet the Beta wasn't but, still, that says a lot about Beta quality for, what, 1982 or so. Sadly, the Beta got fried when our house was struck by lightening. So sad.

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