Friday, November 16, 2007

You know, I wish that I had Jesse's books

My wife and I love reading. We hope that’s something we’ll be able to pass down to Jesse. Of course, Jesse is just about a year old so he’s currently more interested in grabbing, pulling, and biting books than actually listening to a story of any length. Still, there was a period when he was a lot less mobile and I really enjoyed reading to him (I still do but I just have to understand he’ll probably be petting the dog, pulling pillows off the couch, or banging on something [maybe me] while I read). I especially liked going back and sharing with Jesse some of the books I loved as a kid. Danny and the Dinosaur by Sid Hoff stands out. As does the Harry the Dirty Dog series by Gene Zion. And how can I forget just about anything by Shel Silverstein?

We’ve also stumbled upon the work of contemporary author/artist by the name of Adam Rex. We first found his Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich at an independent bookseller in my hometown and I immediately fell in love with the artwork. He manages to create work that is both whimsical (I never thought I use that word in this blog) and realistic. The writing is also fun and imaginative. One of my favorite poems of Rex’s is titled Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Henderson and involves one Dr. Jekyll drinking the wrong potion prior to a dinner party. Instead of the monstrous Hyde, Jekyll transforms into Henderson, a dull but no less terrifying insurance salesman. Excellent stuff. That said, the book was part of Jesse’s Christmas last year and we’ve read through it on multiple occasions. We’ve also read Rex’s Tree Ring Circus which was also quite entertaining though I’m personally fond of the vampires, werewolves, and zombies in Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich.

I’m always on the lookout for children’s book suggestions. Does anyone have additional recommendations?

1 comment:

James Kubecki said...

I LOVED Syd Hoff when I was little. I also used to spend hours in this book.

Other ideas for younger children...

* Harold and the Purple Crown series

* Goodnight Moon

* Anything by Dr. Seuss. Especially ones targeted to younger children, like Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and my personal favorite, Fox in Socks.

* When he gets older: Encyclopedia Brown and The Three Investigators