Friday, December 19, 2008

Farm Fresh!

We're trying something new at home. It's a service called Farm Fresh Delivery. It seems like a pretty cool idea. They deliver fresh organic produce directly to your door. They offer a number of different packages on either a weekly or bi-weekly plan. And there's no contract to's just a standing order you can cancel anytime. You can even make substitutions if there's something on your delivery that you don't like.

This really isn't a sales pitch...

Anyway, we signed up to have produce delivered every other week. Our first green tub of fruits and vegetables arrived this past Tuesday. In two weeks, I believe we simply set the old tub out on the porch and Farm Fresh Delivery swaps it out for another one with our new order.

So far, our experience has been very positive. We did make a couple substitutions in our delivery. I think we requested grapes instead of Brussels sprouts. Seems like we opted out of something else but I can't recall. What we did get included oranges, apples (2 kinds), pears, onions, potatoes, garlic, lettuce, and kiwi. We've tried a good deal of it. I know the the apples, oranges, and pears have been really good.

With no contract, we figured we didn't have much to lose by trying it out. We'll see after a couple months if it still makes sense for us. Will we use the food we get? Will it be enough? What's the budgetary difference between this an buying food at the supermarket?

Has anyone else tried it (or something similar) out? What was your experience?

1 comment:

Joanna said...

It's so great that you're trying this service out! I recognize the names of many of the farms supplying the service from the farmers' market

I've looked into joining a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture, similar to this, except you're getting the food from one local farmer rather than a bunch)- our friends are even running one next year- but when I look down the list, I'll be growing most of the same produce in our backyard once it gets warmer, so it's hard to justify buying it from someone else. We did just last week fill our freezer with a cow share from a local farmer, with enough beef for all next year!

Isn't it great knowing where your food comes from, knowing you're supporting locals, and getting healthy food in the process? We're slowly getting there, with more and more of what we eat.