From the Vault: The Great Train Robbery
In addition to westerns, I've always been a fan of superheroes. I don't really know where that came from. My parents aren't really fans. And I don't remember my older brother reading comic books. Still, he has mentioned that I used to go around the house saying things like "Brett Smash!" I don't remember that but, apparently, my love of comics and heroes goes back quite a way.
So, here's another good drawing from my archive. There's a lot going on here with two heroes and a lot of action.- Dude with a power beam. I'd think it was Green Lantern except the modern Green Lantern doesn't wear a cape. Maybe it's the Golden Age Green Lantern.
- Another dude. This one has x-ray vision as evidenced by his ability to see through the truly gigantic flying safe to the bomb and/or money inside. Seems like it might be Superman except he also has some kind of rapid fire beams emanating from his hands. Doesn't appear to be a gun. I don't know.
- An old timey train. Not sure what it's carrying but it's obviously something worth stealing.
- A villian. Not just a villain, a big villain. One willing go at a train head-on. I don't want to mess with him. It kind of looks like he may have a horn. If so, I'd think he was the Rhino but everyone knows he's a Marvel character whereas Green Lantern and Superman are DC. I wouldn't have made that kind of mistake. Maybe that horn is just brain splatter.
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