Monday, January 07, 2008

2008 is Enough

2007 was a huge year at the RetroBrett house(s). To name a few of the big things to happen:

  1. Sold our over-big house.
  2. Didn't buy multiple houses.
  3. Moved to an over-small apartment.
  4. Bought a reasonably sized house and moved in.
  5. Sold a car.
  6. Bought a car.
  7. Successfully parented our first child.
  8. Found out we're having a second child.
  9. Went on a Men's retreat.
  10. Paid off all debts except the house.
  11. Stopped buying comic books (that really was big for me).
2008 is looking better than ever. It's comforting to look at the above list and realize the most stressful events (i.e. the house/car things) shouldn't be happening again in 2008. Trust me...we're NOT moving in 2008. In theory, it should be a quiet year, right? Well, we'll see. Having the second child is our really big thing and that alone guarantees the year won't be quiet we couldn't possibly be more excited about it.

Anyway, as is customary with a new year, I have a list of resolutions that I hope to implement in 2008. Ok, I started to make this list but realized that everything kind of fell under one BIG resolution. So, one resolution with a lot of sub-resolutions/results.

  1. FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! Seriously, don't get distracted by meaningless, computer games, self critisism, etc.
  • Finish reading the Bible. I guess I’ll never really finish reading the Bible but I do want to finish this pass through. I’m deep into Psalms right now.
  • Read for pleasure. My to-read list gets longer every week.
  • Get up earlier. When I do, I want to actually use that time for drawing, sculpting, writing...creating in general.
  • Actually work on my list of creative projects. I have notebooks FULL of ideas and sketches. They aren't doing any good there.
  • Continue to fix up/organize the house. Paint. Finish the workbench. Fence the yard. Again, a long list.
  • Follow our written budget.
  • Stick to a fitness program. I really need some cardio work. And putting on a few extra pounds wouldn’t hurt.
2008, bring it on!

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