Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lil’ G: 32 weeks down

Size Comparison: A Kenner Girder & Panel Set

A Girder & Panel Set? I don’t know how popular these were. I do remember that my older brother had a set and I thought it was pretty cool. They were an interesting toy. On the one hand, the thing is essentially a static toy building. Really, most buildings aren’t all that much fun as toys (think of the movie Big where the Tom Hanks character trashes the toy robot that transforms into a building). On the other hand, our kit featured an elevator and numerous tiny, tiny people which made for excellent make-believe Spider-Man battles. Plus, my various Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars were close enough in scale that they could be incorporated into Spidey’s triumphs.

The baby continues to grow! Lil’ G is about 4.5 lbs now and he/she seems to be using their entire bulk to push against my beautiful wife’s navel. It’s a little odd to see the tummy magically shift from one side to the other. It’s truly a miracle.

Our childbirth classes continue. We made it through the birth video on Monday and, while it was disturbing, it was better than I expected. Next week’s class will include the tour of the hospital. That should be fun. We’re also working out our list of middle names…trying to pick names that sound good with our potential first names and also don’t curse our child with unfortunate initials. Wish us luck.

In VERY exciting news, my sister-in-law is having her baby…well…now. As of this morning (Wednesday 9/27/06), doctors were inducing labor. Sources have informed me that things seem to be going fine. Just the same, we’re praying for the safety, health, and patience of all those involved.

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