Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lil’ G: 26 Weeks Down

Size Comparison: Dukes of Hazzard Lunchbox

I considered other lunchboxes (Buck Rogers, Knight Rider, and even one with Vance & Coy Duke) but went with the traditional Duke boys. One of our books actually said the baby was about the size of “a small pot roast”.

Anyway, we’ve officially entered the third trimester. Lil’ G weighs in at about 2 pounds and I believe the eyelids should now be open…not that there’s much to see in there. According to what we’ve read, the baby would have an 85% chance of survival if born now.

We meet with a pediatrician on Friday so that should be interesting. Monday is another appointment with the doctor. This one will include the blood glucose test. Yippee! Lil’ G is also starting to move around enough to make sleep a bit uncomfortable for my lovely wife. No major complaints, though.

We also got out and registered this past weekend. The majority of that is at Target with a few additional items at Babies R Us. I’m amazed at just how much baby stuff is out there. I’m also amazed at how much of it is “important”. Seriously, I was ready to get the kid a plain ol’ wooden rattle afterwards.


James Kubecki said...

I've been meaning to send you a link to this article in the National Review. It's called "Warm-Wipe Parenting," by Jay Gress.
Anyway, it's relevant one of the topics of this post, so I'll leave it here for all to see... Enjoy, and don't get too overwhelmed. Be an encouragement to us dads-to-be who will be hitting third trimester in a few months...

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest that you avoid taking ANY advice from a baby book that compares Lil' G to a tasty Sunday dinner?!? Creepy.